register And Load Config
Creates and registers a Config. Use this over registerConfig and readOrCreateAndValidate if possible.
Performs the entire creation, loading, validation, and registration process on a config class. Internally performs the two steps
loaded, validated, and registered instance of T
the config type, any subclass of Config
Function0 of config class instances
enum of RegisterType that defines which registries to register to. defaults to RegisterType.BOTH
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.api.ConfigApi
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.api.RegisterType
fun main() {
//instance of your config loaded from file and automatically registered to the SyncedConfigRegistry and ClientConfigRegistry using the getId() method
var myConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() })
//adding the registerType, you can register a config as client-only. No syncing will occur. Useful for client-only mods.
var myClientOnlyConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() }, RegisterType.CLIENT)
//adding the registerType, you can register a config as sync-only. Their won't be any client-side GUI functionality, so the config will only be editable from the file itself, but it will auto-sync with clients.
var mySyncedOnlyConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() }, RegisterType.SERVER)
//Init function would be called in ModInitializer or some other entrypoint. Not strictly necessary if loading on-reference is ok.
fun init() {}
Creates and registers a Config. Use this over registerConfig and readOrCreateAndValidate if possible.
Performs the entire creation, loading, validation, and registration process on a config class. Internally performs the two steps
loaded, validated, and registered instance of T
the config type, any subclass of Config
Supplier of config class instances
enum of RegisterType that defines which registries to register to. defaults to RegisterType.BOTH
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.api.ConfigApi
import me.fzzyhmstrs.fzzy_config.api.RegisterType
fun main() {
//instance of your config loaded from file and automatically registered to the SyncedConfigRegistry and ClientConfigRegistry using the getId() method
var myConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() })
//adding the registerType, you can register a config as client-only. No syncing will occur. Useful for client-only mods.
var myClientOnlyConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() }, RegisterType.CLIENT)
//adding the registerType, you can register a config as sync-only. Their won't be any client-side GUI functionality, so the config will only be editable from the file itself, but it will auto-sync with clients.
var mySyncedOnlyConfig = ConfigApi.registerAndLoadConfig({ MyConfig() }, RegisterType.SERVER)
//Init function would be called in ModInitializer or some other entrypoint. Not strictly necessary if loading on-reference is ok.
fun init() {}